Entries by Lida Sayahi

How much food do you need for your Event?

Catering industry, among a very competitive landscape is considered about $8 billion dollar revenue over a year. These days the demand for catering is getting higher every day and it is expected to increase in the next five years following the recession.[…]

Iran Doostan Tours Co. the official GSA of WTM London 2018

Iran Doostan Tours Co. is the official GSA of WTM London for past few years. In 2018, despite of many fluctuation in exchange rates and many problems in economic and political issues regarding sanctions in international environment, Iran Doostan Company was willing to take the responsibility and be the leader the of Iran pavilion in […]

Germany calls for developing economic ties with Iran

Tehran, April 29, IRNA – Germany is after developing economic relations with Iran, Ulrich von Zanthier, Financial Services Director of KPMG company said. Zanthier made the remarks Sunday in an interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on the sidelines of Iran-Europe trade conference held in Tehran. Three German banks are now working with […]