Designing Exhibition Stand in Iran

Participating in an exhibition as a producer or salesman is always exciting. You get to defend your product, learn about customer’s demands and most importantly, sell your ideas. So, to achieve these goals, you need an eye-catching exhibition stand. As more foreign companies have participated in various exhibitions in Iran, building an exhibition stands in Iran has improved over recent years. Nowadays selling products is not only about quality, but it is also a game of showmanship and decorations, so you need a remarkable exhibition stand and staff.

Who Designs Your Stands?

There are numerous design companies in Iran that would design your exhibition stand for you. Just Google “Designing/Building Exhibition Stand in Iran” and you will see lots of Iranian companies specializing in this field. If you are unhappy with their resume you can choose a company from your own country but make sure that they are able to operate in Iran.

What Services Do Design Companies Usually Offer?

Design companies in Iran usually offer various services. These aren’t offered by all but by most of them:

  • Design & Build: they will both design and build your exhibition stand. designs would be custom or influenced from past works.
  • Staffing the Stand: they can hire professional salesmen to present your products.
  • Conferences Management: they can manage and implement a master timeline for conferences. This timeline outlines tasks that need to be completed in a timeframe basis.
  • Space Bookings: some Iranian companies operate only in Iran but some operate in the whole middle east. So, they can book your stand in lots of exhibitions in Iran or some middle eastern countries.
  • Customer Services: registering orders, obtaining licenses, transiting and transferring, money transferring, storage, consultation in trading, export, and import, supplying export goods, insurance, translator and tour guide, travel services, providing gift bags. These are the number of customer services that Iranian exhibition stand design companies offer.

Best Stand Designing Prize?

Samsung Exhibition Stand

Here I will give you some tips on how to order or design or build an exhibition stand that attracts lots of visitors:

  • Graphics: use stunning graphics, bold fonts, and 3D designs to make your stand look beautiful. Having impressive graphics will not only seem good and eye-catching but will also attract more customers to your exhibition stand.
  • Architecture: don’t go complex, don’t go cheap either. A booth should be both eye-catching and simple at the same time.
  • Colors: go white or go colorful. Both will attract more customers. Of course, this depends on your product or your company’s logo. Maybe your logo is blue-based color so you need to add blue to your stand.
  • Height: stand designers often fail to consider height. First, you should check with the exhibition organizer to see how high you can go, then with large signs, huge stand materials, and backlight font-style graphics, you can pique the curiosity of attendees across the show floor. This is a great tactic used by big brands.
  • Lights: lots of exhibitors forget the advantage lighting can provide to elevate the design of an exhibition stand. It is essential to incorporate additional lighting into your stand design and not rely on the lights provided by the show.
  • Food & Game: one creative idea for an exhibition stand is to add a gaming element or a vending machine near your stand. This will attract visitors near your booth and then you have a better chance to represent yourself. But you need to identify your target audience.
  • VR: ok so this element totally depends on your product but if you have the chance to represent your idea with VR Technology, you better use it. VR can be a huge help to demonstrate your harvester’s efficiency without actually getting it in your booth.
  • Registry: create a digital and comfortable platform for customers that want to buy or sign up for your product.
  • Video Streaming: nowadays people are more interested in visuals than words. This idea helps your prospective clients, who have not visited the exhibition, to get a first-hand look at your exhibition stand. By getting your exhibition stand design to your visitors through video streaming, you not only generate hype during the show, but these videos can also be used during post-marketing to provide a recap.
  • Gift Bags: your exhibition visitors are more likely to enter your exhibition stand if it has some promotional gift bags for them. Gift bags are one of the best types of promotional stand ideas that are sure to give good returns. They’ve been used as a valid marketing tactic for decades and remain relevant.
  • Atmosphere: lots of attendees come of the experience along with the networking. Novelty is an attractive crowd puller. A good atmosphere will surely retain attendees in your exhibition stand long enough for sales or lead conversion.

Best Stand Staffing Prize?

Booth Staffing in Iran

And here are some tips on how to staff your booth:

  • Friendly: your personnel must be friendly, socially acceptable, smiling all the time and well behaved.
  • Training: you must prepare a fully detailed script for salesmen. Train them with scripts or business conferences.
  • Short & Simple: Staffers should introduce themselves with a one-minute overview of your company, ask questions to find out about visitor’s needs, spend 1-minute giving details on products and then getting visitor information for follow-up.
  • Presentation: it’s important for staffers to be well dressed, polite and professional.
  • Don’t Overstaff: don’t overstaff your booth. Staffing your stand with too many people turn away visitors. In other words, don’t keep your booth crowded with visitors or sellers. Visitors don’t like a crowded exhibition booth.
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